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Greedy goan panaji FRAUD LIAR raw employee sunaina chodan FAKES ownership of house of migrant from north karnataka

Investing in goa is extremely risky for educated migrants from north karnataka because the shameless GREEDY LIAR goan officials/leaders are extremely shameless and ruthless in their EDUCATIONAL, FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD, SLAVERY of educated migrants from north karnataka who have made the mistake of investing in property in goa, especially panaji.
One of greatest online fraudsters is the Greedy goan panaji FRAUD LIAR raw employee sunaina chodan married to a gsb photographer who FAKES ownership of house, pan, gst account of migrant from north karnataka, to get great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman engineer since 2010
Greedy goan panaji FRAUD LIAR raw employee sunaina chodan is allegedly helped in her endless frauds by top government employees allegedly j srinivasan and others from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay who instead of being honest that sunaina chodan, twenty years younger is only their pet panaji CALL GIRL, are falsely claiming that the panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan without any engineering qualification, was their btech 1993 classmate from iit bombay, has the resume, savings of their female classmate who the top government employees hate.
The liar tech, internet companies, government agencies are fully aware that Greedy goan panaji FRAUD LIAR raw employee sunaina chodan does not have any online income and she does pay any expenses, she only robs the data of the hardworking single woman engineer, migrant from north karnataka to make fake claims and get a monthly government salary and great powers in a major ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY racket
The GST number is linked to the pan number and since getting GST registration in another state is taking time, the migrant from north karnataka continues to use the goa gst number she got for her goa property, till she able to get all the papers required.
Yet showing the extent of the financial fraud the single woman engineer is subjected to in goa, Greedy goan panaji FRAUD LIAR raw employee sunaina chodan FAKES ownership of house, pan, gst account of migrant from north karnataka, instead of legally getting her own GST number linked to her pan number

Romance scammer top government employees deny online workers, investors the income, opportunities they deserved

After robbing the resume, data of online workers, investors to get all their lazy greedy girlfriends, associates lucrative no work, no investment government jobs in the internet sector, romance scammer top government employees are extremely ruthless in criminally defaming the online workers, investors, to deny them the income and opportunities they deserve.
The online worker, investors spends a lot of time and money to find new sites, yet all the online money making opportunities are diverted to their lazy greedy girlfriends like bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad, haryana gurugram cheater mba ruchita kinge, who is full time optum human resources manager with a salary of Rs 15 lakh, yet extremely ruthless in her SLAVERY racket on hardworking single woman engineers with a good JEE rank, ROBBING their resume, data to get a monthly government salary, indore cheater deepika/veena, gujju cheater stock trader amita patel, panaji goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan and other fraud raw/cbi employees.
These fraud raw/cbi employees are allegedly helped in their resume robbery, data theft, slavery racket by the government employees from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay who hate the online worker, investor and are faking friendship to rob everything from the single woman without being questioned
Due to the denial of opportunities, the revenues of the domain investor are very low, and she cannot even provide writing or other services, because the leads and orders are stolen giving the fake excuse of national security.

Zhukovsky Master repairs washing machines quickly and efficiently

Since washing clothes manually is very tedious, time consuming most homes in Zhukovsky have a washing machine. Many tenants renting a house prefer a house having a washing machine working properly. After the washing machine is used for a few years, due to wear and tear some parts may get damaged and the washing machine may not function properly. To repair the washing machine these damaged parts should be replaced at the earliest.

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Customers who want their malfunctioning washing machine repaired quickly can contact the business on all days of the week. Since original high quality spare parts are used for repair, a warranty is offered on the repair work. More information on the repair services are available at

After looting a large number of people, FRAUD greedy gujju stock trader amita patel opens another posh new office

though the top indian tech and internet companies are making millions of profit, they are openly involved in massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY online investors, workers falsely claiming that lazy greedy high status goan call girls, cheater housewives and other other frauds who do not pay expenses, do not do computer work are online experts, domain investors to give them great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor

one of greatest beneficiaries of the massive FINANCIAL FRAUD of the LIAR cheater top tech, internet companies is the SHAMELESS GREEDY India’s top domain fraudster thane greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel with net worth of more than rs 100 crores who has never paid for domains like haryana fraud ruchita kinge, yet in getting great powers, monthly government salary for FAKING domain ownership due to support of LIAR cheater top tech, internet companies , her powerful cheater boyfriends like gujju cheater tushar parekh, bengaluru brahmin cheater puneet who falsely claim that thane greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel, who never studied engineering was their btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay
The brahmin bania cheaters puneet, tushar parekh, HATE their female btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay, a single woman engineer, migrant from north karnataka, domain investor and being extremely GREEDY CUNNING cheaters, these fraud LIAR top government employees are robbing all her data to make fake claims about their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends like thane greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel, to get her lucrative no work, no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector in a case of SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD
While the greedy gujju officials/leaders continue to support India’s top domain fraudster thane greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel in her endless frauds, the karnataka officials refuse to question RAW, indian government on the SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD, EXTORTION RACKET of India’s top domain fraudster thane greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel which can be easily proved checking the bank records, pan number of greedy gujju fraud raw employee amita patel.
R&AW, indian government also refuse to answer why their favorite gujju fraud amita patel can afford to purchase a posh new office, cannot purchase the domains legally despite getting great powers, monthly government salary for FAKING domain ownership for 11 years

This refusal of the north karnataka officials/leaders to question the massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY, CYBERCRIME of India’s top domain fraudster thane greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel on a marathi speaking hardworking single woman engineer,domain investor from north karnataka for more than 11 years, with amita patel cheating the single woman engineer of Rs 15 lakh annually, is the reason why the greedy gujjus are becoming richer with networth of Rs 100 crores, while north karnataka remains one of the poorest regions in the state as the rich and powerful ruthlessly cheat, exploit people from the region.

DLF Privana Gurugram luxury housing project sold out in three days

Some of the major newspapers in Mumbai, Times of India, Economic Times, Hindustan Times all had a front page ad showcasing the DLF Privana Gurugram luxury housing project worth Rs 5590 crores which was sold out in three days according to media reports.
The people residing in gurugram like haryana gurugram cheater mba raw employee ruchita kinge are becoming richer, systematically looting citizens from other places in india after criminally defaming them making fake allegations without any proof, and are supported by the haryana government agencies in their massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY since 2010. This could be reason why there is lot of demand for gurugram properties.
For example haryana gurugram cheater mba raw employee ruchita kinge does not pay domain and other expenses for this website network, like her powerful fraud boyfriends, puneet, sumit, verma, vikas, she does not do any computer work at all, yet is getting monthly government salary for faking ownership of this and other websites, domains, bank account since 2010, while the real domain investor is only paying expenses, doing all the computer work and getting almost nothing, resulting in great financial losses.
While the haryana officials/leaders continue to reward haryana gurugram cheater mba raw employee ruchita kinge in all her online, financial frauds which can be legally proved, the single woman engineer, domain investor, migrant from north karnataka finds it difficult to get any kind of help, so she continues to make huge losses for the last few years and north karnataka remains one of the poorest regions in the state.

Banking/domain fraudster raw/cbi employees hysterically make fake commercial property allegations to cover up their massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY since 2010

Indian tech and internet companies are the top online, banking fraudsters in the world, openly involved in massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY since 2010 on online workers, investors . To cover up the massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, slavery the cheater housewives like indore fraud raw employee bespectacled deepika/veena, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree are hysterically making fake commercial property allegations
The fact is that due to massive FINANCIAL FRAUD SLAVERY of the shameless tech and internet companies, online workers, investors are making very less money while the indian government, raw/cbi falsely claim that their lazy greedy fraud CALL GIRL, housewife employees who never paid any expenses are online investors to DUPE countries, companies and people with their lies, in one of the greatest government ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD
in all other sectors, workers are paid far more, for example a semi-literate dalit caretaker nilesh from gwalior mp was paid Rs 20000 a month and he was also reimbursed all the expenses he incurred, though he was working at home. The senior citizen was in good health when the caretaker was hired, within 1.5 months he required medical attention, the gwalior caretaker did not take proper care, and in three months, hospitalization was required.
In contrast top tech and internet companies, government agencies are openly involved in massive online, financial fraud with liars like tushar parekh, puneet, vijay, j srinivasan ROBBING the data of a single woman engineer , domain investor falsely claiming that their favorite goan call girls sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, kolhapur sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, and other frauds who do not pay expenses own the domains.
The domains are always for sale, yet the domain/banking fraudster raw/cbi employees do not want to purchase domains, pay domain renewal expenses, due to which the domain investor is making great losses, paying Rs 4-5 lakh every year for domain renewals and rarely making enough monthly to pay the credit card bills. Since there is almost no paid work online, other than forum posting, the domain investor spends far less time online compared to stock traders, yet the fraud raw/cbi employees continue to make fake commercial property allegations, when well paid employees also work at home.
The domain investor is usually making far less monthly than semi-literate caretaker who provided poor quality services, is paying all the expenses, yet the tech, internet companies, government agencies robbing her data to make fake claims about their lazy greedy cheater employees refuse to end their financial fraud, slavery showing the widespread dishonesty, fraud in the indian tech, internet sector, government .

Wireless torture methods used to cause great pain to citizens at some locations

Radiation torture and other wireless torture methods are being used extensively to torture some citizens, especially whistleblowers, since it is very difficult for the victim to collect proof. While frequency waves and radiation are invisible, the pain and damage caused is real.
In metro cities, the officials have perfected torturing certain addresses, increasing the radiation levels to a very great extent, affecting the brain function, damaging the organs.
Only some intelligence/security agency employees are aware of the damage that the wireless weapons cause.
While most citizens will not be aware of how the wireless torture weapons are used, trained electrical engineers are aware of the problem and damaged caused. So whenever possible, though the victim does not like traveling, she is forced to change address only to avoid radiation torture.
It appears that setting up the radiation torture system will take some time, so the victim can escape the radiation torture for a few weeks everytime the address is changed.
Since radiation torture is expensive, the torture system is switched off after it is confirmed that the house is empty.

greedy goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan involved in real estate fraud FAKING ownership of empty houses of migrants

The cunning greedy goan officials/leaders are ruthless in their atrocities on marathi speaking migrants from north karnataka after criminally defaming them taking advantage of the lack of honest leaders/officials to defend the migrants from north karnataka
All businesses will pay their workers for the work they do, spending their time, yet in a massive work at home, government SLAVERY racket in goa, the greedy goan officials/leaders refuse to acknowledge the work which the migrant online workers are doing since 2010, and are ROBBING their data to make fake claims about lazy greedy goan frauds like panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro who do not spend any time and money.
The migrants may have invested in property because their parents were settled in goa, and when the migrant moves to another state where they have savings, the greedy goans, scammer sindhis are falsely claiming to own the empty house of the migrant to commit banking fraud and get a monthly government salary at the expense of the migrant, the real online worker, investor
The goan officials/leaders are so ruthless in their financial fraud, atrocities, EXPLOITATION and harassment of the migrant that the reputation is completely destroyed, making it difficult to purchase new property as an alternative to the goa property to use for gst purposes even after leaving goa.

In contrast though greedy goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan does not even have a computer, never did computer work, and does not pay for domains like her powerful boyfriends allegedly especially brahmin cheater j srinivasan and others from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay, for more than 12 years the LIAR indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google have extremely aggressive in marketing the panaji CALL GIRL as an online expert, domain investor EXPOSING widespread FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY, criminal defamation of the real domain investor, single woman engineer.

Greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel invests in real estate, refuses to purchase domains, yet gets monthly government salary

One of the reasons why the gujju community is rich and powerful is because the gujju officials/leaders are extremely ruthless, shameless and aggressive in their criminal defamation,SLAVERY financial fraud on hardworking professionals from poorer communities to get no work no investment government jobs for GREEDY shameless gujju women, with marathi speaking professionals,investors from north karnataka being worst affected since there is no one to help them.
The massive FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD, SLAVERY of thane greedy gujju stock trader amita patel since 2012 on the goa 1989 jee topper, single woman engineer to get a raw job is an example of gujju atrocities, financial fraud to become even more richer and powerful
thane greedy gujju stock trader amita patel is extremely wealthy with net worth of Rs 100 crores or more, she is investing extensively in real estate,owns multiple offices, yet she does not want to purchase domains, though she is getting a monthly government salary for faking domain ownership for the last 11 years
Instead with the help of fraud government employees puneet, tushar parekh from btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay abusing their powers to make fake claims, tech, internet companies ,fraud husband, the greedy gujju cheater amita patel is running a massive extortion racket, criminally defaming the hardworking single woman engineer, and then falsely claiming to own her domains, including this one, websites, online account, bank account to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman engineer.
FIU is quick to ban the urls of binance and other companies, yet it refuses to end the massive FINANCIAL FRAUD of greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel and other greedy fraud raw/cbi employees faking domain ownership, online income since 2010 to get monthly government salaries though they have plenty of money to lead a very lavish lifestyle .

Goa’s top real estate fraudster kolhapur/panaji LIAR sindhi scammer housewife naina premchandani fakes ownership of empty houses

One of top online, real estate fraudsters in India is the kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout housewife naina premchandani who fakes ownership of empty houses to get monthly government salary for herself and scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil like other greedy goan fraud raw/cbi employees like goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel.
The shameless sindhi scammers are ruthless in their financial fraud on single women engineers, falsely claiming to own the savings of the single woman in a metro city if she lives in goa. So when the engineer is living in the metro city to avoid losing her savings the SHAMELESS LIAR kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer housewife naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh is falsely claiming to own the empty house to get a monthly government salary for for herself and scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil
The SHAMELESS sindhi scammers do not have legal papers for ownership of the house, yet kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer housewife naina premchandani controls 4 LIAR top indian government employees tushar parekh, parmar, puneet, nikhil shah, offering them SEX bribes regularly, the indian,goan government blindly believes all her lies to waste taxpayer money paying her fraud family monthly salary